[QScintilla] Possible bug in annotations?

Sarah Mount mount.sarah at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 02:05:16 BST 2011

Dear all,

I asked this on the pyqt list, but that probably isn't quite the right
forum for this sort of question...

I'm using the PyQt4 bindings to QScintilla (PyQt4, Qt4.7.2, Python2.7,
QtDesigner 4.7.2, Ubuntu Natty) and I have a GUI with two QScintilla
panes, side by side. The GUI has a SLOT that adds annotations to
certain lines, which I want to be styled.

I've created the GUI in QtDesigner, and my own code styles both editor
panes in the same way, so I would expect there would be no difference
between the two. When I add an annotation to each editor for testing,
one is styled in the annotation style I have set, and the other is
not. Oddly, it's always the right hand pane which is wrong, if I swap
them over like this:

   self.leftEditor, self.rightEditor = self.rightEditor, self.leftEditor

then it's still the right hand pane which is incorrect. So, presumably
there's a problem in creating two QScintilla objects?

I made a cut down version of the GUI just to show you what the bug
looks like: http://imgur.com/dcRbi In the image, both annotations
should look like the left hand one, with a yellow background and
smaller, italicized text.

The code which generates this I've put here:
https://gist.github.com/944268 there's still quite a bit of
"irrelevant" code there, including everything generated by Designer,
as I can't really be sure what's causing the bug.

So, my question is, have I used the API incorrectly or is this a
problem with QScintilla?

Many thanks,


Sarah Mount, Senior Lecturer, University of Wolverhampton
website:  http://www.snim2.org/
twitter: @snim2

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