[QScintilla] Qscintilla mac x11 Segmentation fault

Henrik Rudstrom hrudstrom at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 16 09:53:29 GMT 2010


Seems like the mailinglist server had some hickups. so i try sending this
again, forgive me for any double posting:

I'm having trouble running qscintilla with pyqt running on osx-x11. when in
do import PyQt4.Qsci i get a segmentation fault (full stack trace is below).

im running on snowleopard 64bit, installed qt-x11 4.5.2-1 from fink, tried
both Qscintilla snapshot-2.4.3-8b4aa000df1c and stable version 2.4.2, as
well as the Fink version (2.4.1).
both binaries show up as 64bit using 'file', and otool shows that it links
to the x11 version of qt.
Could it be some version issue with sip? my PyQt bindings where compiled on
another macbook, with sip 4.9.x, while qscintilla was made on my computer
using sip 4.10. On the computer that compiled PyQt a similar error occurs
when QtHelp is imported, while mine can import that without trouble.

Anyone has a clue?

kind regards,

Henrik Rudstrom

Stack trace/error report:

PlugIn Path:       /Library/Python/2.6/site-
PlugIn Identifier: sip.so
PlugIn Version:    ??? (???)

Date/Time:       2010-02-08 17:38:48.971 +0100
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.2 (10C540)
Report Version:  6

Interval Since Last Report:          3826122 sec
Crashes Since Last Report:           310
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   97
Anonymous UUID:                      1672A6C2-F8E0-41C7-868F-15BEED990222

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000008
Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Thread 0 Crashed:  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   sip.so                            0x00000001023f54bf addTypeSlots + 1258
1   sip.so                            0x00000001023f5669 sipEnumType_alloc +
2   org.python.python                 0x0000000100058c6d PyType_Ready +
3   org.python.python                 0x0000000100053c3e PyType_GenericAlloc
+ 3114
4   org.python.python                 0x000000010000b173 PyObject_Call + 112
5   sip.so                            0x00000001023f9de7 createContainerType
+ 230
6   sip.so                            0x00000001023fa164 createClassType +
7   sip.so                            0x00000001023fa4fc sip_api_init_module
+ 679
8   Qsci.so                           0x0000000100521ebf initQsci + 270
9   org.python.python                 0x000000010009bd3b
_PyImport_LoadDynamicModule + 189
10  org.python.python                 0x000000010009aaf8
PyImport_ReloadModule + 1347
11  org.python.python                 0x000000010009ae09
PyImport_ReloadModule + 2132
12  org.python.python                 0x000000010009b698
PyImport_ImportModuleLevel + 1519
13  org.python.python                 0x0000000100083b5f _PyBuiltin_Init +
14  org.python.python                 0x000000010000b173 PyObject_Call + 112
15  org.python.python                 0x0000000100084b6f
PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords + 175
16  org.python.python                 0x0000000100088690 PyEval_EvalFrameEx
+ 12106
17  org.python.python                 0x000000010008accf PyEval_EvalCodeEx +
18  org.python.python                 0x000000010008ad62 PyEval_EvalCode +
19  org.python.python                 0x00000001000a265a Py_CompileString +
20  org.python.python                 0x00000001000a44dd
PyRun_InteractiveOneFlags + 503
21  org.python.python                 0x00000001000a4615
PyRun_InteractiveLoopFlags + 206
22  org.python.python                 0x00000001000a4685
PyRun_AnyFileExFlags + 76
23  org.python.python                 0x00000001000b0286 Py_Main + 2718
24  org.python.python.app             0x0000000100000e6c start + 52
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