[QScintilla] higlight all chosen words

Petr Vanek petr at scribus.info
Wed Feb 25 10:20:40 GMT 2009

hi again,

for those who are interested in this... here is a small example


Detlev, thanks for pointing me to your Python code (but I reimplement
it for simplicity ;))

all the best,


--- Original message follows ---
SUBJECT: Re: [QScintilla] higlight all chosen words
FROM:  Detlev Offenbach 
TO: "qscintilla at riverbankcomputing.com" ,"Petr Vanek" 
DATE: 24.02.2009 19:11

On Dienstag, 24. Februar 2009, Petr Vanek wrote:
> hi all,

> is there any way how to highlight all occurences of e.g. searched
> words in Qscintilla widget?
> Example: User is searching for word "foo" in custom search&replace
> dialog. So I call findFirst()/findNext() mechanism as it's
> But I want to have highlighted all occurences of searched term e.g.
> with background color.
> Is there any quick way how to do it or should I write it myself
> setSelectionBackgroundColor()/resetSelectionBackgroundColor() in
> cheers,
> Petr

Check the eric4 editor on how to do that.

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de
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