[QScintilla] Problem with Debug-Mode in Visual C++ 9.0: Application does not launch.

Paul Kerchen pkerchen at simcreator.com
Tue Sep 9 14:43:55 BST 2008

I encountered this behavior (using VC++ 7.0) when the build mode of my
application did not match the build mode of QScintilla (i.e., when one was
built in debug mode and the other was built in release).  This is rather
inconvenient since QScintilla names both the debug and release DLLs with the
same name and installs them to the same location, making it so that you
can't simultaneously build both debug and release versions of an application
that uses the library.  I modified my qscintilla.pro file so that it builds
both debug and release DLLs and appends a 'd' to the filename of the debug
version of the dll/lib:

CONFIG += qt warn_off debug_and_release build_all dll thread

CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
	TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,d)


-----Original Message-----
From: qscintilla-bounces at riverbankcomputing.com
[mailto:qscintilla-bounces at riverbankcomputing.com] On Behalf Of Timo R.
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 6:58 AM
To: qscintilla at riverbankcomputing.com
Subject: [QScintilla] Problem with Debug-Mode in Visual C++ 9.0: Application
does not launch.


I compiled QScintilla2 (Downloaded: QScintilla-gpl-2.2.zip) for Qt4 on
windows with Visual C++ 2008/9.0 (Express) like it's said in the docs:

nmake install

It compiled well without a warning, and i could compile the
example-application without any problems, too.
I can compile it in debug and in release mode. There is no problem in
release mode, but if i try to launch it in debug mode, the application exits
imediately with exit code 1 (0x1).
I could not find anything helpfull using Google and so on. Maybe i am the
first wo trys to use QScintilla2 with VC++ 9.0?

Thanks for any hints or suggestions which help me solving my problem.
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