[QScintilla] LexPS

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu May 22 22:28:12 BST 2008

On Thursday 22 May 2008 10:20:04 pm Gwenael Cleon wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question : a lexer does exist for Postscript for Scintilla
> (LexPS.cpp in the scintilla src). My question is : how to create a
> qscilexer for postscript as it exists for Tex, CPP (More generally,
> there are much more lexer than QsciLexer. How to port a scintilla lexer
> to Qt4 ?)

QScintilla lexers are just containers for the configuration of the Scintilla 
lexers. They are added as and when people ask for them - so I'll add a 
Postscript one in the next release.

If you want to do it yourself then just take a look at one of the existing 
ones and compare SciTE's properties files for each of them.


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