SIP: MappedType with a PyInt annotation

Phil Thompson phil at
Thu Mar 24 09:05:37 GMT 2022

On 23/03/2022 14:29, Marian Thomsen wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm searching for a way to use
> typedef unsigned char ASN1T_PosPillar /PyInt/;
> within a mapped type, e.g. when using the following vector
> typedef std::vector<ASN1T_PosPillar*> ASN1T_PositionOfPillars;
> The problem seems to be the /PyInt/ annotation. Sip does not seem to 
> recognize
> %MappedType std::vector<unsigned char *>
> with it.
> I would be grateful for a hint.
> Regards
> Marian

The annotation is used to generate the Python calls to convert the C++ 
type to the correct type of Python object. In the context of a mapped 
type you are providing that code so it's up to your code to do the right 
thing (ie. convert to a Python int object rather than a str object).


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