sip: feature: make build faster by running configure and codegen in parallel

Milan Hauth milahu at
Fri Jun 17 19:43:34 BST 2022

done parallel configure in

used in

with parallel configure on 32 cores
the pyqt6 build takes 400 instead of 500 seconds

parallel codegen is harder, because, for example:
QtCore codegen must run before QtOpenGL codegen
because QtCore defines %Feature PyQt_OpenGL_ES2

WIP for parallel codegen in

please feel free to use my code

2022-06-11 22:29 GMT+02:00, Milan Hauth <milahu at>:
> currently there are two bottlenecks in sip: configure and codegen
> these run on a single core, which takes some time
> code:
> sipbuild/
> ```py
>     def update_buildable_bindings(self):
>        # ...
>         # TODO perf: run this in parallel
>         for b in list(self.bindings.values()):
>             if not b.is_buildable():
>                 del self.bindings[]
> ```
> is_buildable is implemented for example by pyqt-builder in
> pyqtbuild/
> ```py
>     def is_buildable(self):
> ```
> challenge:
> capture stdout and stderr of the configure's
> and send them to logfiles, to allow later inspection
> bottleneck 2 is codegen:
> sipbuild/
> ```py
>         # TODO perf: run this in parallel
>         for bindings in project.bindings.values():
>             project.progress(
>                     "Generating the {0} bindings".format(
> ```
> the build phase of pyqt-builder
> already runs parallel with the --jobs argument
> pyqtbuild/
> ```py
>         options.append(
>                 Option('jobs', option_type=int,
>                         help="run N make jobs in parallel", metavar='N'))
> ```

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