PyQt6 and SIP v6 Snapshots Available

Eli Schwartz eschwartz at
Thu Sep 24 03:14:33 BST 2020

On 9/23/20 8:29 PM, Grzegorz Bokota wrote:
> Pyinstaller automatically bundles py files. If you would like to work with
> source files then you need to add it to datas variable in .spec file.
> Additional maintenance.
Yes, but it's trivial to do this so why is that a problem?

Boring people who use boring python modules and no pyinstaller need to
specify their data files too (but setuptools find_packages handles the
.py files).

Imagine the nightmarish horror of people programming in C or C++, who
have to, horror of horrors, spend 2 minutes on rare occasions to add a
filename to a list of project sources. The maintenance burden shall
surely cause people to commit suicide in despair.

In fact, you're currently maintaining that precise list in your .qrc
file instead of your .spec file, so I don't know how you can tolerate
this maintenance burden.


I don't see why this is a compelling reason to say pyrcc is *needed*
against Phil's declaration of skepticism? Actually I don't see why it's
needed at all. Additionally maintaining a list of distributed files is
one of the least effortful types of maintenance I can think of. Here is
a simple script to help you (I'm sure you can reliably figure out even
better heuristics):

git ls-tree --name-only -r HEAD| grep -v '\.py$'

Continuing to maintain the exact same list, but moving it from a .qrc
file to a .spec file, expends NO effort you weren't already expending,
and actually most likely results in LESS maintenance burden, since now
everything you maintain is in one .spec file, rather than split between
one .spec file and one .qrc file.

Eli Schwartz
Arch Linux Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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