Widgets are not updated - is this a bug?

Jeremy Katz jkatz at volexity.com
Thu Sep 17 09:08:41 BST 2020

On 15/Sep/20 06:29, Phil Thompson wrote:

> However I am currently at a loss about what is happening. I am using a
> version of PyQt that only uses "plain" Qt classes which does not allow
> Python re-implementations of C++ virtuals. This means that while the Qt
> event loop is running (ie. in the call to exec()), *no* PyQt is executed
> - yet the problem still exists. It's almost as if the very presence of
> Python is having an effect.
> Any insight would be welcome...
> Phil

Short version:

Setting the environment variable QT_MAC_WANTS_LAYER to 1 may fix the
issue for macOS 10.15. The code at
indicates this won't work for 10.14.

Getting into more detail, apparently there are differences in how the
windows and/or backing stores are configured. The C++ version creates a
dark mode window. The Python version uses the light palette.

Turning on the qt.qpa.drawing logging category reveals further
differences in a session that involves starting the program, clicking
the clear button, and then terminating it with the window manager's
close button. The C++ version ouputs this:

qt.qpa.drawing: Making <QNSView: ...> layer-backed with
<_NSViewBackingLayer: ...> due to being enabled by macOS
qt.qpa.drawing: Backing properties changed for <QNSView: ...>
qt.qpa.drawing: Updating <_NSViewBackingLayer: ...> content scale to 2
qt.qpa.drawing: [QNSView displayLayer] QWidgetWindow(...)
qt.qpa.drawing: QCocoaWindow::handleExposeEvent QWidgetWindow(...)
QRegion(0,0 296x266) isExposed true
qt.qpa.drawing: [QNSView displayLayer] QWidgetWindow(...)
qt.qpa.drawing: QCocoaWindow::handleExposeEvent QWidgetWindow(...)
QRegion(0,0 296x266) isExposed true

A final handleExposeEvent is reported when the window is closed.
Otherwise, it is quiet regardless of any text entered in the QTextEdit,
or clicks of the clear button.

"Making <QNSView..." is output from (void)setLayer:(CALayer *)layer in
plugins/platform/cocoa/qnsview_drawing.mm, which executes when the top
level widget is shown for the first time.

C++ code:

#include <QApplication>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QLayout>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QObject>
#include <QLoggingCategory>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication a(argc, argv);

    QTextEdit edit;

    QPushButton button("clear");
    QObject::connect(&button, &QPushButton::clicked,
                     &edit,   &QTextEdit::clear);

    QVBoxLayout layout;

    QWidget w;

    return a.exec();

The PyQt version ouputs:

qt.qpa.drawing: Backing properties changed for <QNSView: ...>
qt.qpa.drawing: [QNSView drawRect:] QWidgetWindow(...) QRegion(0,0 296x266)
qt.qpa.drawing: QCocoaWindow::handleExposeEvent QWidgetWindow(...)
QRegion(0,0 296x266) isExposed false
qt.qpa.drawing: [QNSView drawRect:] QWidgetWindow(...) QRegion(0,0 296x266)
qt.qpa.drawing: QCocoaWindow::handleExposeEvent QWidgetWindow(...)
QRegion(0,0 296x266) isExposed false
qt.qpa.drawing: [QNSView drawRect:] QWidgetWindow(...) QRegion(0,0 296x266)
qt.qpa.drawing: QCocoaWindow::handleExposeEvent QWidgetWindow(...)
QRegion(0,0 296x266) isExposed true

The drawRect and handleExposeEvent pair are repeated twice per click of
the clear button, plus once each time the window gains or loses focus. I
don't see anything different between the ineffective redraw, and the
loss of focus redraw that works.

PyQt code:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QTextEdit, QPushButton,
                             QVBoxLayout, QWidget)
from PyQt5.QtCore import (QLoggingCategory, qVersion)

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

edit = QTextEdit()

button = QPushButton("clear")

layout = QVBoxLayout()

w = QWidget()


- Jeremy

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