import error PyQt5.QtWidgets, 32bit Python question

V. Armando Solé sole at
Thu Nov 19 10:49:05 GMT 2020

On 18/11/2020 20:55, Elizabeth Johnson wrote:
> I've also tried just installing Python 3.7.4 directly and pip
> installing PyQt5 (same error, no success) and then trying to
> specifically install the PyQt5 version I mentioned above (still same
> error, no success). 
For that one it could be as simple as to install the C++ runtime

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and
2019 <>.

In any case, for windows my advice would be to forget about WinPython or
anything similar use python from with pip to install packages
and eventually installing VS2019 community edition C++ compiler if you
need to compile anything from source.

Best regards,


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