[PyQt] QIconEngine ownership regression in PyQt5 5.12

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Tue Mar 19 14:20:19 GMT 2019

On 19 Mar 2019, at 12:35 pm, Ales Erjavec <ales.erjavec324 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe the ownership could be transferred to the C++ (sip)QIconEngine itself?

That's what the previous buggy code actually did.

> If I construct the QIcon with:
> ## code
> def qicon_transfer(engine):
>    # type: (QIconEngine) -> QIcon
>    import sip
>    icon = QIcon(engine)
>    sip.transferto(engine, engine)
>    return icon
> ## /code

sip.transferto(engine, None) is better.

> Then the engine is preserved until the last icon is deleted.

That's because QIconEngine has a virtual dtor which is used to detect when C++ invokes it.

> ## code
> def test_icon_transfer():
>    from weakref import ref
>    eng = IconEngine("a", QColor("red"))
>    engref = ref(eng)
>    icon = qicon_transfer(eng)
>    del eng
>    assert engref() is not None
>    icon1 = QIcon(icon)
>    del icon
>    assert engref() is not None
>    icon2 = QIcon(icon1)
>    del icon1
>    assert engref() is not None
>    del icon2
>    assert engref() is None
> ## /code
> There should be no issue with the transfer back because there is no
> way to get the engine out of the QIcon.
> I think this preserves the Qt's design. QIcon has value type semantics
> and practically all API's that accept a QIcon do so by value (copy construct).

It is very unusual (I can't think of another case) where a class with value type semantics can take ownership of another object. sip does not have explicit support for this pattern so I'll add handwritten code to do the right thing.


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