[PyQt] Versioning wheels

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Sat Nov 24 11:39:35 GMT 2018

On 21 Nov 2018, at 3:50 pm, Eduard Babayan <edo248 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> Starting from pyqt5 version 5.7 wheels now include 2 versions. Recent ones look like this :  PyQt5-5.11.3-5.11.2_a-cp35.cp36.cp37.cp38-abi3-macosx_10_6_intel.whl 
> I noticed because it broke version parsing automation in my company. Now that is not that important of course. But still there are questions
> Can anyone shed some light on why wheels include 2 versions? Also Pip cannot parse second version and if it's for humans the use still unclear.  Latter is especially strange for names like in example above containing two patch versions 5.11.3. And 5.11.2. Why not have only one. 

The '5.11.3' is the version number of PyQt.

The '5.11.2_a' is the build tag. pip should have no problem parsing it.



For PyQt the build tag is made up of the version of Qt included in the wheel (ie. 5.11.2 in this case) optionally followed by an underscore and a letter (ie. '_a' in this case). The letter allows the release a new wheels to replace previous ones for the same PyQt and Qt versions.


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