[PyQt] Since 5.10 system tray icon cannot be hidden in Windows

Henri Wahl h.wahl at ifw-dresden.de
Mon Dec 3 19:26:44 GMT 2018

Hi again,

> If it doesn't work, then Qt is at fault. You will have to learn C++ to
> convince the Qt team to move their arse by building a minimal example then.
The funny thing is that they already provided an example which is
claimed to WORK - see
https://bugreports.qt.io/secure/attachment/78098/qtbug71725.zip for

So I am confused about where the problem actually lies.

Henri Wahl

IT Department

Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden e.V.
Helmholtzstr. 20, 01069 Dresden, Germany

tel: +49 (3 51) 46 59 - 797
email: h.wahl at ifw-dresden.de

Nagios status monitor Nagstamon: https://nagstamon.ifw-dresden.de

DHCPv6 server dhcpy6d: https://dhcpy6d.ifw-dresden.de

S/MIME: https://nagstamon.ifw-dresden.de/pubkeys/smime.pem
PGP: https://nagstamon.ifw-dresden.de/pubkeys/pgp.asc

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