[PyQt] Building PyQt5 on Windows

Wallboy wallboy at wallboy.ca
Sat Jun 3 03:43:59 BST 2017

I have been using the "pip install PyQt5" version in my my main Python 
sites-package. I'm interested in building some custom builds of PyQt to 
test in a virtualenv. So I first decided to just figure out how to get a 
working vanilla build before trying to customize my own build. I 
followed  the instructions here: 
http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt5/installation.html and also here 
for Windows: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40779370

I expected to get the same structure in my site-packages folder for my 
"pip install PyQt5" version, however after the build I don't have the 
"Qt" folder with all the bin/plugins/etc folders containing the dlls. 
However, I do see the dll files were created in my build folder under 
each of the "release" folders. Also I don't see any generation of the 
executables for pyuic or pyrcc or QtWebEngineProcess.exe.

I'm using PyCharm for my IDE and I have created a project pointing to 
that virtualenv (and confirmed it was the directory used in the 
configure.py output). But when I try to import any PyQt5 modules it 
tells me it can't find the module in the __init__.py file. The 
__init__.py version that got built for me is just all comments. However 
the one that comes with the pip install PyQt5 has:

import os as _os

_path = _os.path.dirname(__file__) + '\\Qt\\bin;' + _os.environ['PATH']
_os.environ['PATH'] = _path

I'm confused why my built version differs so much from the version you 
get installed from pip install PyQt5? Is there another step I'm missing?

My Environment:

Qt 5.8 msvc2015 32 bit version
Python 3.5 32 bit (created a virtualenv for my own build)
PyQt 5.8.2
PyCharm IDE

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