[PyQt] Access Python QObject from QML fails to convert on second call

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu May 19 18:34:47 BST 2016

On 17 May 2016, at 7:08 am, Fabian Sturm <f at rtfs.org> wrote:
> Sorry for no direct reply to my previous message but I somehow never
> received it myself. 
> I now reduced my code to a short sample:
> https://github.com/sturmf/python_samples
> In the folder pyqt_combobox_qabstractlistmodel is a small program you
> can start with "python3 main.py"
> Changing between the currently visible item in the ComboBox produces my
> error. Any help to get this sample fixed would be awesome!

Changing "name" in _roles to b"name" meant it all seemed to work for me.


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