[PyQt] future of (py)qt desktop

michael h michaelkenth at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 23:59:33 GMT 2016

> t.
> Using the Designer and writing everything in Python would be the straight
> forward way for porting, but is it the right one?
> The application has to handle lots of data, list views and tree views with
> many entries and complex graphics views.
> Is the recommended way to use QtQuick/QML? The problem I'm facing with
> this technique is that start developing with it is hard.
> Although the examples look clear and easy, but when I'm trying to create
> GUIs with QML I'm running into many problems.
> Is there a comprehensive tutorial or good book available which goes into
> detail?
> Best regards, Martin
I will second the recommendation for using the desktop widgets for what you
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