[PyQt] Modal window issue with pyqt on KDE

Hans-Peter Jansen hpj at urpla.net
Wed Dec 28 14:02:24 GMT 2016

Hi Michael,

On Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2016 10:36:56 Michael Davies wrote:
> Hi,
> This is my first post on a mailing list - so please bear with me.
> I have noticed an issue with running a modal QDialog on the KDE5 desktop.
> When I run the following code:
> import sys
> from PyQt5 import QtCore
> from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
> class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
>     def __init__(self, parent=None):
>         super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent)
>         self.openAction = QtWidgets.QAction('About', self)
>         self.openAction.triggered.connect(self.aboutDialog)
>         menuBar = self.menuBar()
>         fileMenu = menuBar.addMenu('&File')
>         fileMenu.addAction(self.openAction)
>         self.calendar = QtWidgets.QCalendarWidget(self)
>         self.setCentralWidget(self.calendar)
>     def aboutDialog(self):
>         self._about = AboutDialog(self)
>         self._about.exec_()

This is related to window modality. Try self._about.show(). 
> class AboutDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
>     def __init__(self, parent):
>         super(AboutDialog, self).__init__(parent)
>         self.setMinimumSize(400, 350)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
>     app_window = MainWindow()
>     app_window.showMaximized()
>     sys.exit(app.exec_())
> The issue is this - when I open the QDialog and then minimize the main
> window, the QDialog doesn't get minimized - so it is still working
> independently.  What happens exactly is that QMainWindow minimizes and
> QDialog is just left on screen.
> This only happens on KDE as far as I can tell.  On openbox / xfce both
> windows are minimized.  In Windows, the QMainWindow minimize button is
> disabled when the QDialog is open.  I have ran the code on various KDE
> distros: KDE Neon Stable, Arch Linux with KDE5 and Kubuntu 16.04 - all have
> same problem.

Yes, same behavior with kwin4. Interestingly, minimizing the about dialog 
itself results in minimizing the parent, too. 

Guess, that's the price to pay for our window manager diversity..


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