[PyQt] New Set of Development Wheels for PyQt5 v5.6

Cosimo Lupo cosimo.lupo at daltonmaag.com
Tue Apr 19 13:44:31 BST 2016


Thank you very much for finally making the PyQt5 wheels available on PyPI!

I have installed it on OS X and it works fine, even from within a virtual

However, when I install it on Windows, I also have to manually prepend the
{env}/Lib/site-packages/PyQt5 folder to the %PATH% variable, otherwise
things don't work as expected.

For example, our app uses the "Qt5/plugins/iconengines/qsvgicon.dll", which
in turn depends on the "Qt5Svg.dll", located in the root of PyQt5 package.
If I don't add the latter to the PATH, then our app cannot display the
toolbar icons.

Is this a known issue, which could be resolved somehow?

I can see that when I install PyQt5 using the .exe installer from
Riverbank's website, the PyQt5 folder is added automatically to the
system's PATH, unlike when I install it via pip.

Thank you.


Cosimo Lupo
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