[PyQt] pyqtdeploy: Encoding Error Causing Crash

Robert Kent rob at gulon.co.uk
Fri Sep 25 16:03:21 BST 2015

Hi All,

Subsequent to my earlier trials and tribulations, I finally have an environment from which I can successfully build an executable with pyqtdeploy 1.1 on Windows 7 with (Py)Qt5.4 and the MSVC2010 compiler. However, when I run the application, I get:

Starting C:\Users\Rob\Documents\pyqtdeploy_test\build\release\TestApp.exe
Fatal Python error: PyInitialize: can’t initialize sys standard streams
Fatal Python error: LookupError: unknown encoding: cp1252
Py_Initialize: can’t initialize sys standard streams
C:\Users\Rob\Documents\pyqtdeploy_test\build\release\TestApp.exe exited with code 3

The exact same very basic, one file PyQt5 test application builds fine with pyqtdeploy on Mac so I’m guessing I’ve screwed up something on Windows… not sure what though!

All and any thoughts gratefully appreciated as always.

Cheers, Rob
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