[PyQt] Installing multiple versions of PyQt

Elvis Stansvik elvstone at gmail.com
Fri May 22 18:41:14 BST 2015

2015-05-18 14:39 GMT+02:00 Florian Bruhin <me at the-compiler.org>:

> Hi,
> I use buildbot to automatically test my application under various OS':
> http://qutebrowser.org:8010/waterfall
> Currently I'm testing with four Linux distributions:
> - Ubuntu Trusty with Qt/PyQt 5.2.1
> - Ubuntu Utopic with Qt 5.3.0, PyQt 5.3.2
> - Debian Jessie with Qt/PyQt 5.3.2
> - Archlinux with Qt/PyQt 5.4.1
> However, running 4 VMs (+ Win8) is rather resource intensive.
> What alternative approaches are there to ensure my tests run fine with
> older Qt/PyQt versions?
> Things I could think of so far:
> - Use some kind of containers/chroots instead of VMs.

Create some Docker images maybe?

In the past I've used Docker when I wanted to test some packages I built
using the Open Build Service.

E.g. to drop into a Ubuntu Trusty shell, just do `docker run -t -i
ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash`. I never automated the testing, or tried X11 stuff
(it was a QtCore only C++ console app), but I'm sure that could be made to

If you don't need the "full distro" test environment, then I think multiple
Qt versions + virtualenvs as suggested by others sounds like a good idea.


> - Only use one OS (probably Archlinux) and have multiple PyQt/Qt
>   builds on the same system - probably should work with Qt's
>   -developer-build, building PyQt with each Qt's qmake, and then
>   messing with PYTHONPATH, but might be a pain to set up.
> What do you think? Another option would be to just run them on one
> system, but in the past I got bitten often by changes in Qt/PyQt which
> cause subtly different behaviour.
> Florian
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