[PyQt] Phonon error on Linux

Pat Flegit pflegit at gmail.com
Sat Oct 25 23:48:56 BST 2014

Hi all, I’ve been trying to get PyQt4 to work with Linux (specifically
Ubuntu 14.04). I have one copy of Ubuntu running in a virtual machine and
another on a laptop. I’ve had two separate problems.

*Problem 1:*

The copy of PyQt4 on the laptop can’t use Phonon at all. Just running

    from PyQt4.phonon import Phonon
generates *ImportError: “No module named phonon”*

And after much searching I’m not sure how to fix this. Maybe by installing
some other kind of Phonon backend and adding it to PYTHONPATH or something?

*Problem 2:*

Strangely, the virtual machine copy of PyQt4 (installed using the exact
same procedure, but with a slightly older version of Ubuntu, 13.10) behaves
differently. On the virtual machine, I can import Phonon fine, but I trying
to build the program into an executable via cx_Freeze gives this error:

*ImportError: No module named 'PyQt4.uic.port_v3.proxy_base'*

Supposedly this is fixable by forcing cx_Freeze to include ‘sip’ in the
build, but that doesn’t work.

Maybe this is related: I did get this error when running "make install" on
PyQt4, but apparently that's normal:

*strip:home/USERNAME/.pyenv/versions/2.7.8/bin/pyuic4: File format not

A note on my PyQt4 installation: I’ve installed the default SIP and PyQt4
by downloading the tar files, extracting them, and configuring and making
and installing them. I have added PyQt to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Any advice on solving either or both of these two problems would be
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