[PyQt] PyQt5 configure.py nitpick (5.2.1-snapshot-c8f5b569c377)

michael h michaelkenth at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 01:21:52 GMT 2014

Trying to configure the above snapshot:

D:\PyQt-gpl-5.2.1-snapshot-c8f5b569c377>d:\python33\python.exe configure.py
Querying qmake about your Qt installation...
Error: PyQt5 requires Qt v5.0 or later. You seem to be using v4.8.2. Use
the --qmake flag to specify the correct version of qmake.

D:\PyQt-gpl-5.2.1-snapshot-c8f5b569c377>d:\python33\python.exe configure.py
Usage: python configure.py [opts] [name=value] [name+=value]

configure.py: error: no such option: --qmake


It seems that the --qmake option is only added when "sys.platform !=
'win32':". I removed that check and it seemed to configure fine. Can either
the option be added for windows or the message be altered so it's not
misleading on windows?

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