[PyQt] Tips for debugging pyqtdeploy on android?

bootch at nc.rr.com bootch at nc.rr.com
Thu Aug 28 15:09:13 BST 2014

Attempting to run or debug a pyqtdeployed helloworld app from QtCreator.  I get in application output window:

D/dalvikvm( 1601): Added shared lib /data/data/org.qtproject.example.hello/qt-reserved-files/plugins/platforms/android/libqtforandroid.so 0xb2cb3150
I/Qt      ( 1601): qt start
D/dalvikvm( 1601): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/org.qtproject.example.hello-1/libhello.so 0xb2cb3150
D/dalvikvm( 1601): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/org.qtproject.example.hello-1/libhello.so 0xb2cb3150, skipping init
I/Qt JAVA ( 1601): DEBUGGER: extra parameters: Bundle[{debug_ping=true, gdbserver_socket=/data/data/org.qtproject.example.hello/debug-socket, gdbserver_command=/data/data/org.qtproject.example.hello/lib/gdbserver --multi +/data/data/org.qtproject.example.hello/debug-socket, load_local_jars=jar/QtAndroid-bundled.jar:jar/QtAndroidAccessibility-bundled.jar:, load_local_libs=plugins/platforms/android/libqtforandroid.so:, use_local_qt_libs=true, libs_prefix=/data/local/tmp/qt/, ping_file=/data/data/org.qtproject.example.hello/debug-ping, static_init_classes=:, pong_file=/data/local/tmp/qt/debug-pong-org.qtproject.example.hello}]
I/Qt JAVA ( 1601): DEBUGGER: removing ping file /data/data/org.qtproject.example.hello/debug-ping
I/Qt JAVA ( 1601): DEBUGGER: removing pong file /data/local/tmp/qt/debug-pong-org.qtproject.example.hello
I/Qt JAVA ( 1601): DEBUGGER: starting /data/data/org.qtproject.example.hello/lib/gdbserver --multi +/data/data/org.qtproject.example.hello/debug-socket
I/Qt JAVA ( 1601): DEBUGGER: gdbserver started
I/Qt JAVA ( 1601): DEBUGGER: waiting for socket at /data/data/org.qtproject.example.hello/debug-socket, attempt 0
D/dalvikvm( 1601): GC_CONCURRENT freed 214K, 14% free 2136K/2484K, paused 12ms+3ms, total 53ms
I/Qt JAVA ( 1601): DEBUGGER: waiting for pong at /data/local/tmp/qt/debug-pong-org.qtproject.example.hello, attempt 7
I/Qt JAVA ( 1601): DEBUGGER: go to sleep
Could not load shared library symbols for 82 libraries, e.g. /system/bin/linker.
Use the "info sharedlibrary" command to see the complete listing.
Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.I/Qt JAVA ( 1601): DEBUGGER: waiting for pong at /data/local/tmp/qt/debug-pong-org.qtproject.example.hello, attempt 8
I/Qt JAVA ( 1601): DEBUGGER: got pong /data/local/tmp/qt/debug-pong-org.qtproject.example.hello
D/        ( 1601): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb7d22d90, tid 1601
W/EGL_emulation( 1601): eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented
D/OpenGLRenderer( 1601): Enabling debug mode 0
Debugging has finished

"org.qtproject.example.hello" terminated.

Some of the logcat:

I/ActivityManager(  360): Start proc org.qtproject.example.hello for activity org.qtproject.example.hello/org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.QtActivity: pid=1460 uid=10018 gids={50018, 3003, 1028, 1015}^M
W/WindowManager(  360): Screenshot failure taking screenshot for (302x176) to layer 21005^M
I/ActivityManager(  360): Process org.qtproject.example.hello (pid 1460) has died.^

I'm new at Android.  I don't understand which messages are important.

It seems like the app is crashing before the debugger gets started, so the debugger can't produce a crash dump.

I suppose I should resort to harnessing the code with writes to logcat (or is Qt Creator redirecting stdout/stderr to the "application output" window?)

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