[PyQt] Easy Segfault using (or misusing) QTextStream

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Aug 15 22:45:20 BST 2013

On Thu, 15 Aug 2013 14:26:58 -0700, David Cortesi <davecortesi at gmail.com>
> I had the problem that this sequence crashed Python:
>  >>>> from PyQt4.QtCore import (Qt, QString, QTextStream)
>> >>>> ts = QTextStream(QString())
>> >>>> ts << u'x'
>> > Segmentation fault
> Phil properly reminded me that,
>> You need to keep a reference to the QString.
> And I thought, oh crap, another didn't-keep-a-ref bug. I'm a dope.
> But later it occurs: this is a great nuisance, because what I want to do
> to call a function that returns a QTextStream ready to read. Maybe it is
> based on a file, or maybe it contains some boilerplate generated on the
> -- The latter being an in-memory stream created as above.
> So this function either has to have access to a global QString, or the
> caller has to pass a QString for it to use in case it needs one, or the
> function has to return a tuple (stream,
> QString-it-may-or-may-not-be-based-on) and the caller has to keep the
> string in scope.
> It would be much cleaner if the QTextStream(QString) constructor could
> parental ownership of the QString it is passed. There is no question
> its being related to the new object and essential to it. Would this be a
> enhancement or a PyQt one?

PyQt - but a better solution would be to sub-class QTextStream and keep
the QString (actually a QByteArray would probably be better) as an instance


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