[PyQt] Building PyQt.

Frank Drown fdrown2226 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 19:13:59 BST 2012

In an effort to install Eric IDE v5 on a 64 bit Windows 7 platform, I've
installed Python 2.7.3 64bit, Qt 4.8.1, QScintilla 2.6.2, SIP 4.13.3. Now I
am installing PyQt 4.9.4.

I ran 'Python configure.py' without any apparent issues.
When I tried to build PyQt by running 'nmake install', I get a low memory
message and after a while, the build goes into an endless loop displaying
the following message: NMAKE U1077: '"<path to nmake>\nmake.exe"': return
code '0x2'

What do I need to do to finish building PyQt?
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