[PyQt] PyQt 4.7.4 (64b) on Snow Leopard & the Symbol not found: _sipQtConnect

Doug Looney dugloon at gmail.com
Sun Jul 25 21:16:33 BST 2010


PEBKAC (disregard previous post)

I went back and cleaned PyQt, and wa-la.

Apologies!  Appending the steps I took to get eric4 installed on snow leopard.


1. Install Qt4
    - binary: qt-mac-cocoa-opensource-4.6.3.dmg
    - or source: qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.3.tar.gz

    either install from the .dmg or
    from archive dir
        $ ./configure -arch x86_64 -opensource
        $ make cleanconf
        $ make clean
        $ make
        $ sudo make install  (this should install qmake somewhere like

2. Modify your path so you can run qmake:
	$ edit ~/.profile for PATH
    	export PATH=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.6.3/bin:$PATH
    $ . ~/.profile  (src the file to update the PATH)

3. Test the install:
	$ open ~/Downloads/Qt-4.6.3/bin/qtdemo.app

4. Build and install sip:
	- sip-4.10.5.tar.gz
	from archive dir:
		$ python configure.py --arch x86_64
		$ make clean
		$ make
		$ sudo make install

5. Build and install QScintilla2
	- QScintilla-gpl-2.4.4.tar.gz	
	from archive dir:
		$ cd Qt4
		$ qmake qscintilla.pro
		$ make clean
		$ make
		$ sudo make install

6. Build and install PyQt4:
	- PyQt-mac-gpl-4.7.4.tar.gz
	from archive dir:
		$ python configure.py
		$ make clean
		$ make
		$ sudo make install

7. Test the install:
	$ python ~/Downloads/PyQt-mac-gpl-4.7.4/examples/demos/qtdemo/qtdemo.py

8. Build and install QScintilla2 Python bindings
	from archive dir:
		$ cd Python
		$ python configure.py
		$ make clean
		$ make
		$ sudo make install

9. Install eric4:
	from archive dir:
		$ sudo python install.py

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