[PyQt] Cannot get data to be fetched by QTableView through QAbstractTableModel

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Apr 23 15:01:59 BST 2010

On 23.04.10 08:36:22, Bjorn Egil Ludvigsen wrote:
> Hi,
> I cannot get any data to be shown in my QTableView and wonder now if
> something could be wrong with returning the QVariants(), as someone on
> Daniweb said this is not necessary anymore after PyQt 4.6. Also I read the
> PyQt documentation about QVariant, but have not gotten any further.
> Without giving you the whole nine yards, can anyone spot any beginners error
> below? The data itself is loaded into a list (self.uncertainties) of
> Uncertainty() objects. An Uncertainty() has 22 attributes that I want to
> show in a table.

Unless you deliberitly left these out the below model misses
implementations for at least rowCount and columnCount.


It was all so different before everything changed.

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