[PyQt] DragNDrop on Microsoft Windows.

David Boddie dboddie at trolltech.com
Fri Sep 18 15:45:52 BST 2009

On Fri Sep 18 14:52:17 BST 2009, LIM Fung-Chai wrote:

> Can anyone tell me how I can do a drag-and-drop tango between a PyQt
> application and a non-Qt application on Microsoft Windows?  I have seen
> many drag&drop examples (and tested them), but they are between 2 PyQt
> applications.  For now, I need to drop some text and filenames on a non-Qt
> application.  In future, I may want to drop (drag) more complex data onto
> (from) other applications.  Thanks in advance.

You could try dropping data from a non-Qt application onto the Drop Site
example and see what MIME types it reports.


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