[PyQt] PyQt 4.6.1 missing QPixmap.fromWinHICON()?

David Boddie david at boddie.org.uk
Sun Oct 25 17:59:39 GMT 2009

On Sun Oct 25 10:36:52 GMT 2009, Giovanni Bajo wrote:

> BTW, I don't know why Phil prefers to wait the officiale release to support
> a new Qt major version, instead of just waiting for the beta when the API
> is finalized. Eg: the API of Qt 4.6 will not change for sure between now
> (beta version) and the official release, because it's been finalized.

It's probably easier to wait until the bugs are found in Qt than it is to
deal with bug reports that could be about problems in either Qt or PyQt.
People like to try out the new features as soon as they can, and these
aren't always stable by the time of the beta release.

In the case of this Qt release, I can think of more than one place where
the API has changed since the beta. :-(


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