[PyQt] Symbol not found: _sipQtConnect on Mac OSX 10.5

Damien Elmes resolve at ichi2.net
Sat Mar 28 06:51:29 GMT 2009

The build was successful, and the few example programs I tested run
fine now. However, my app seems to be dying - it looks like some
internal data is getting clobbered somewhere. An line like:

import mymodule

results in a

TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation

The problem seems to occur after importing about 3 modules which
import PyQt4.QtGui. Importing modules which don't use QtGui seems to
work fine.

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Damien Elmes <resolve at ichi2.net> wrote:
> Found the bug. In the project files, you are doing
> CONFIG += ppc i386
> as per the qmake docs, it should read
> CONFIG += ppc x86
> This resulted in only the PPC half of the library being built, and
> thus missing symbols when running on an Intel. I changed configure.py
> in a few places to use the correct config line, and it seems to be
> building correctly now.
> Cheers,
> Damien

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