[PyQt] qtdirs.app can't load QtCore

Dave Peterson dpeterson at enthought.com
Thu Jun 25 19:18:33 BST 2009

Hi Phil,

Phil Thompson wrote:
> You shouldn't need a qt.conf file.

I think I had problems running the Qt apps and demos if I didn't have 
that.  I'll try without it again though.   Perhaps this is a sign that 
my Qt install isn't really right?   Or is it just needed in my case 
because I'm relocating my Qt install? (see below)

> I've built and installed Qt in a non-standard directory and PyQt has no
> problems with it.
> How did you configure, build and install Qt?

The configure command was:

./configure -prefix /Users/dpeterson/py/qtbuild/tmp/Qt-4.5.1-1/install 
-debug -fast  -no-exceptions -no-qt3support -qt-zlib -qt-libpng 
-qt-libmng -qt-libjpeg -opensource -confirm-license -arch x86 -R 

where the /PLACEHOLD/.../PLACEHOLD is actually a string of 20 * 
/PLACEHOLD.   We use that to enable us to make the Qt binaries 
relocatable.   Basically, we use macholib to replace all the /PLACEHOLD 
strings with the actual installed-to directory.  Of course, we also have 
to find the tmp install path in the various associated text files and 
replace it with the actual installed directory too.

The build command was:


where the placehold serves the same purpose as above.

Then the install process is effectively (a) zipping up the 
.../tmp/Qt-4.5.1-1/install directory and unzipping it into the desired 
location, then (b) running the post-installs scripts to fixup everything 
for the install path as mentioned above where I describe the configure 

-- Dave

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