[PyQt] ANN PyQt v4.5, SIP v4.8 Released

Gerard Vermeulen gav451 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 6 05:45:56 BST 2009

On Fri, 05 Jun 2009 13:45:42 +0100
Phil Thompson <phil at riverbankcomputing.com> wrote:

> PyQt v4.5 and SIP v4.8 have been released and are available from the
> usual download pages.
> Highlights of the new PyQt release include support for Python v3 and
> Qt v4.5.1, and a new Pythonic API for connecting signals and slots.
> Windows installers are available for Python v2.6 and v3.0. Support for
> MySQL and PostgreSQL has been added to these.
> There is also a new release of PyQt v3 to maintain compatibility with
> SIP v4.8

I discovered that the semantics with signals taking typedefs as
arguments has changed with respect to previous releases of PyQt and SIP.

To make one of PyQwt's examples (PickerDemo) work with PyQt v4.5 and
earlier releases I have code like:

    if PYQT_VERSION < 0x040500:
        picker.connect(picker, SIGNAL('selected(const QwtPolygon&)'), slot)
        picker.connect(picker, SIGNAL('selected(const QPolygon&)'), slot)

where I have the following typedef

typedef QPolygon QwtPolygon;

in one of my SIP files. Is this change a bug or a feature?


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