[PyQt] QTreeWidget itemAt question

Scott Frankel frankel at circlesfx.com
Wed Jul 22 00:52:17 BST 2009

On Jul 21, 2009, at 2:24 PM, Doug Bell wrote:

> The poblem is that itemAt() returns what is at the given view
> coordinate, not by row numbers.

That explains it.

>> Ultimately, I want to be able to identify a QTreeWidgetItem by the
>> results of its text() so that I can set the tree item's parent for
>> branch points.
> Than why not use QTreeWidget.findItems()?

findItems() was failing for some reason with my actual data, even  
loosening the match flags criteria.  Thought I could hobble around the  
problem by counting rows.

I may switch to a model-view approach.

Thanks for the info!

> Doug.
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Scott Frankel
President/VFX Supervisor
Circle-S Studios

510-339-7477 (o)
510-332-2990 (c)

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