[PyQt] Drag & Drop with QTreeWidget

NARCISO, Rui RUI.NARCISO at airbus.com
Wed Dec 2 12:59:36 GMT 2009

>> I have several question (tree = QTreeWidget())
>>  1) I have activated:
>> 	tree.setSelectionMode(QAbstractView.ExtendedSelection)
>>     yet before I would just keep the mouse pressed and slide over 
>> the selection I wanted but now that is not possible. Is there a way 
>> to maintain such behaviour and force that the drag is only performed 
>> on a second click over the selection ?
>not sure i undertstand what you mean - but i would have thought the 
>selection behaviour changed because you enabled drag and drop, not 
>because you changed the selection mode.

I wasn't clear on my explanation.
Before trying any Drag'n'Drop I had QAbstractView.ExtendedSelection and now, with Drag'n'Drop I have a different behaviour.

I would like to keep the same behaviour as before ...

>> and when doing so create the sub-node "Folder1" if it does not exist within 
>> "campaign" and put the dragged items under "folder1" (and not 
>> "campaign" where they were dropped). How to do this ? Do I do this 
>> in a dropEvent? In a dropEventAction ?

>you could monitor the tree using QTreeView.rowsInserted and then 
>reparent dropped items as necessary.

I will take a look at this ...

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