[PyQt] coloring a QDialog

TP paratribulations at free.fr
Wed Apr 8 09:26:18 BST 2009

Hi everybody,

To color a QDialog (for example), I can do:

from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
import sys
app = QApplication( sys.argv )
dialog = QDialog( )
dialog.palette().background().setColor(Qt.blue) # @

But if I replace the line "@" by:

dialog.setForegroundRole( QPalette().Dark )

it seems it does not work: the color is the same with and without this line.

What is the problem?


python -c "print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in '*9(9&(18%.\

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possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is
impossible, he is very probably wrong." (first law of AC Clarke)

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