[PyQt] Re: processEvents on QlistWidget operations does nothing

P. Mathé pmathe at neuf.fr
Mon Jan 28 08:58:20 GMT 2008

Thank you Scott for your answer, but unnless I didn'y understand you correctly, it does not work : the timer singleshot is fired only after the loop ends.
Here is the modified radioProgDialog class of the program wherre I have added th updateGui method and added the QTimer.singleShot(0, self.updateGui) statement :

class radioProgDialog(QDialog, radioUi):
    def __init__(self):
        # Set up the user interface 

    def updateGui(self):
        logText=u'téléchargement %02d/%02d/%d' % (d.day,d.month,d.year)
        self.log.insertItem(0, QListWidgetItem(logText))
        self.progressBar.setValue(self.progressBar.value() + 1) 
        print logText
    def extraire(self):
        jours=[(int((now() + (j * oneDay)).ticks())) for j in range(0, 4)]
        print 'maxi', self.progressBar.maximum()
        for jour in jours:
            next_url=url % jour
            QTimer.singleShot(0, self.updateGui)
        print 'fini Vivace'

Le dimanche 27 janvier 2008, Scott Aron Bloom a écrit :
> You may find the following to work really well.. Of course I'm not a Python guy.. but here is how you could do it in C++...
> Rather then having a loop that goes over the jours, have a slot that adds 1 time.  And add to the class, the iterator...
> After all the jours are loaded, you call the following
> QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( onHandleNextJour() ) )
> 0 means that the first time the event loop gets activated, the timer timesout, which is connected to the slot.
> In the slot onHandleNextJour you add the result to the tree, update the progress bar value, and then if your not at the end, call the singleShot method again.
> What this does, is allows the event queue (including paintEvents) to occur without any hacks... 
> processEvents is a HACK... if used properly and safely it can be very effective... However, I have yet to find a processEvents I couldn't reorganize to use the singlShot with 0 time timeout..
> And of course the good news... it shouldn't add any code... just reorg a bit...
> While Andreas is correct, using a QThread is also a 100% valid solution... It is overkill for "simple" tasks... And frankly, what, you I or Andreas considers simple for the overkill will vary on each and every project... I already have a class I re-use quite a bit that is templatized to allow for a "loop and execute" type thread model... But I don't use it 100% of the time, because of the intrinsic complexities of threading.
> Scott

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