[PyQt] Handling the uncaught exceptions

Sundance sundance at ierne.eu.org
Fri Jan 25 09:19:41 GMT 2008

Hi Peter,

> Is there a way to handle the uncaught exceptions that happen in PyQt?

Yup: install your own exception handler in sys.excepthook.

You'll find a somewhat fancy exception handler I wrote a while back as 
the handle_exception() function (starting line 146) in this file:

The gist of it is, any function that takes the parameters exc_type, 
exc_value and exc_traceback, and DOESN'T use exceptions internally, 
will serve. Do note that your PyQt application will /not/ exit after 
calling the exception handler, so if you want that, call sys.exit() 
right in your exception handler.


-- S.

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