[PyQt] Trouble with QTreeWidget

Milan Hemžal milan at 3trees.cz
Tue Dec 9 07:29:06 GMT 2008

On Monday 03 November 2008 01:30:00 Min Li wrote:


i tested example basicsortfiltermodel from,

how i get data if i selected any row. I know howto get data for first column, 
but cannot get data from second.

# signal:

self.connect(self.tree_postavy,QtCore.SIGNAL("activated ( const QModelIndex & 

def GetTest(self,n):
	print n
	# output is: <PyQt4.QtCore.QModelIndex object at 0x1dca518>
        print QtCore.QVariant.toString((self.tree_postavy.model().data(n,0)))
	# output first column
        print QtCore.QVariant.toString((self.tree_postavy.model().data(n,1)))
	# output empty string, i

> Hi, everyone.I have some trouble to use the signals to trigger events
> QTreeWidget.
> The detailed  situation is that:
> I want trigger a event by click the left button on the  items in
> treeWidget. I try to use
> <self.connect(self.treeWidget,SIGNAL("activated()"),self.activedFunction)>
> to do this,
> the activedFunction doesn't work.
> Now, I use <
> self.connect(self.treeWidget,SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged()'),self.activedF
> to do this, the activedFunction can be actived.
> However, if I want to store the item which is selected into a local
> variable, how this activedFunction should be defined?
> Thanks
> Lee

Milan Hemžal
3 Trees s.r.o.
Dřevěné podlahy a koupelny

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GSM +420 775 393 335
www: www.3trees.cz

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