[PyQt] Re: QSqlQuery.addBindValue malfunction

Fabiano Sidler fabianosidler at gmail.com
Thu May 24 17:49:27 BST 2007

2007/5/24, Henrik Pauli <henrik.pauli at gmail.com>:
> Maybe % is special in python

No, as I've found out now, the problem is that Qt does not parse
placeholders in strings embedded in the query string itself. So I have
to force the users to type in the % characters into the QLineEdit from
which my application gets its bindValue. Interestingly, the SQL
statement works when I omit the '"' chars around the LIKE string! :o

> (I vaguely remember it being so)

What you probably mean is the "%" used in format strings:
>>> print '%s, %s and %s' % ('Alice','Bob','Chuck')
Alice, Bob and Chuck

However, this is no special syntax. It's merely the modulo operator of
string objects that performs formatting!

Thank you for your answer anyway!

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