[PyKDE] Re: PyKDE Digest, Vol 32, Issue 10

Tony Cappellini cappy2112 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 23:17:37 GMT 2007

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 11:45:38 -0500
From: "Andy Anderson" <Andy.Anderson at mscsoftware.com>
Subject: RE: [PyKDE] Back to the long delay caused when
To: <pykde at mats.imk.fraunhofer.de>

>>This is probably a generic Qt problem, not because of PyQt.
It's probably more of an issue with the ming32 compilation of QT 4.2.2- eh?

>>If you can, create an equivalent C++ Qt test. If you see the same delay,
>>then look at the Qt mailing lists, support, etc.

I doubt I could do that to an degree of success.
I don't know C++ and would likely add more problems to this trying to
get there, than there
already are. If there is anything else I can to move this along, let me know.

>>You can also test to see if the delay changes with the number of files
>>shown in the dialog. If the delay increases with the number of files,

This I can do- will report back results tonight

>>FWIW, I remember some versions of Qt3 had performance problems in the
>>file dialogs due to networked drives and/or networked user accounts.
It sounds reasonable.

However, I have tried this where I work (from my laptop), which has a
lot of networked drives, and at home (from the same laptop), where I
have a wireless network, but do not have any drives mapped.

I need to reinstall Py2.5, and the same version of QT, sip, PyQt on my
desktop machine at home and try the same thing.

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