[PyQt] Newbe: ui files and resources

James A. Benson jbenson at sextans.lowell.edu
Mon Dec 10 23:03:01 GMT 2007


   I'm new to pyqt and qt. Could someone please tell me what
i'm doing wrong. I used the designer to create a ui file for
a minimal main window with a file menu and a open submenu.
I also created a .qrc file for the "open" icon.
I then run pyuic4 and pyrcc4 and they create the ui_ and qrc_
files. The last line of the qrc_ files contains the

import nrpapp_rc

My app is called nrpapp. When i run my app, it complains because
there is no nrpapp_rc. There is of course the qrc_nrpapp.py.
If i get rid of the nrpapp_rc line in the ui_ file then it works
fine (of course i include a line: import qrc_nrpapp in my nrpapp.py).

I saw this same question in:


however i didn't see the solution.



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