[PyKDE] Re: Internal Pointers again... Was: Model indexes and internal pointers

Mike Rovner mrovner at cadence.com
Tue Sep 19 23:18:42 BST 2006

Phil Thompson wrote:
>> In my case I have wrappers around a scene graph (a tree structure for
>> computer graphics).  Anytime I call through to C++ and ask the tree
>> nodes for children or parents, I get a python wrapper back.  This
>> wrapper is referencing a ref-counted class on the C++ side, but it is
>> unique as far as python is concerned.  So when I put this into
>> internalPointer to retrieve later it immediately goes out of scope in
>> python and is invalid when I try to reference it later.
>> If there is any way to make this work I think it would greatly improve
>> PyQT.
> It isn't technically possible - unless somebody has a bright idea.

PyQt can return new wrapper every time but all of them pointing to the 
same C++ object, can it?


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