[PyKDE] Tableitem center text + font size

Jim Bublitz jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Thu Sep 7 20:46:46 BST 2006

On Thursday 07 September 2006 11:51, Dave S wrote:
> My project (and learning adventure !) continues ...
> (1) How do I center text in a TableItem ? I realize that I need to set an
> alignment flag ie AlignHCenter but am struggling to do so. My QT3 docs
> say ...
> The Qt class is a namespace for miscellaneous identifiers that need to be
> global-like. Normally, you can ignore this class. QObject and a few other
> classes inherit it, so all the identifiers in the Qt namespace are normally
> usable without qualification. However, you may occasionally need to say
> Qt::black instead of just black, particularly in static utility functions
> (such as many class factories). See also Miscellaneous Classes.
> I have tried many different ways of getting centralization to work
> including self.AlignHCenter() which fails with
>  File "./view2.py", line 75, in DispErrorHeader self.AlignHCenter()
> TypeError: 'AlignmentFlags' object is not callable
> QGVector::remove: Index -3 out of range
> I am trying to centralize in the context of ...
>     def DispErrorHeader(self, row):
>         self.tableitem = ModTableItem(self.table1, QTableItem.Never,
> 'Errors') self.AlignHCenter()
>         self.tableitem.SetColors(Qt.red, Qt.gray)
>         self.table1.setItem(row, 0, self.tableitem)
>         self.tableitem.setSpan(1,2)
> Any Suggestions

Add another method to the QTableItem subclass from a few days ago:

    def alignment (self):
        # QTableItem has no setAlignment method yet (as is pointed out in
        # a comment in the Qt  C source). This is a way to force numbers to
        # right align. The logic here could be expanded to allow choice of
        # alignments. The methods that draw text in cells call alignment()
        # to get the alignment setting. The  alternative to this is to
        # overload the text drawing methods. This is easier.

        return Qt.AlignRight  # or whichever Qt.Align* you want

This overloads QTableItem.alignment () - a fairly non-obvious solution. I 
forget exactly where I found out how to do this, but I don't think it's an 
original idea.

> (2) How do I enlarge the font of text in a TableItem - and possibly
> invoke 'bold' ? I have to admit I have been mainly banging my head against
> the alignment problem but this will be my next hurdle - I would appreciate
> a pointer :)

In the 'paint()' method from before, call QPainter.setFont () on the QPainter 
before passign it to QTableItem.paint ().


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