[PyKDE] suggestion for configure.py in PyQt-4.0beta1

Glen W. Mabey Glen.Mabey at swri.org
Wed May 24 19:04:40 BST 2006

When employing the -d and -v flags, does the following seem reasonable?
It makes it so that some pretty standard operations have a better chance
of succeeding, like `import pyqtconfig'.


*** configure.py.orig	Wed May 24 11:16:13 2006
--- configure.py	Wed May 24 11:17:09 2006
*** 994,1000 ****
          elif opt == "-c":
              opt_concat = 1
          elif opt == "-d":
!             opt_pyqtmoddir = os.path.abspath(arg)
          elif opt == "-i":
              opt_vendorcheck = 1
          elif opt == "-j":
--- 994,1000 ----
          elif opt == "-c":
              opt_concat = 1
          elif opt == "-d":
!             opt_pyqtmoddir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(arg), "PyQt4")
          elif opt == "-i":
              opt_vendorcheck = 1
          elif opt == "-j":
*** 1015,1021 ****
          elif opt == "-u":
              opt_debug = 1
          elif opt == "-v":
!             opt_pyqtsipdir = os.path.abspath(arg)
          elif opt == "-w":
              opt_verbose = 1
--- 1015,1021 ----
          elif opt == "-u":
              opt_debug = 1
          elif opt == "-v":
!             opt_pyqtsipdir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(arg), "PyQt4")
          elif opt == "-w":
              opt_verbose = 1

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