[PyKDE] PyQt4 Update (examples)

Torsten Marek shlomme at gmx.net
Mon Dec 12 20:50:25 GMT 2005

Hash: SHA1

David Boddie schrieb:
> On Monday 05 December 2005 21:40, Phil Thompson wrote:
>>On Monday 05 December 2005 12:16 am, you wrote:
>>>Looking at your port of the mainwindows/application example raises an
>>>issue I became aware of while working on the widgets examples: how can we
>>>use the Qt Resource System from Python? One approach might be to use rcc
>>>to generate C++ code and compile that into an extension module; another
>>>might be to generate Python code as a module.
>>I'm leaving this for the moment. The most natural thing would be to have a
>>pyrcc (implemented in Python) that generates Python code. Maybe Torsten can
>>do it after he's written pyuic4 :)
> Just for your information (and to let Torsten know what's going on), I've
> been experimenting with this for one of the examples, and I managed to
> create a simple empty Python module using the C++ that's generated by rcc.


I've had a short look at how the resource system works, but I've not written any
code yet - but it was on my todo list. However, I'd like to get pyuic4 out of my
door first and have people using it with some real life examples before I go on
working on the other code.



- --
Torsten Marek <shlomme at gmx.net>
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