[PyKDE] large tables problem

Jim Bublitz jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Sat Jul 10 09:12:00 BST 2004

On Thursday 24 June 2004 00:54, Vicent Mas wrote:

Just to revist this thread one more time, it turns out I'm in the middle of 
developing an app that uses QTable a lot (although not with large datasets). 
The easiest way to grab keyboard input (as was discussed) is in 
QTable.keyPressEvent. Just do something like:

class XXXTable (QTable):
	def __init__ (self, ...):
		QTable.__init__ (self, ...)

	def keyPressEvent (self, e):
		if e.key () == Key_XXX:
			<construct a switch for the keys you want to intercept>

			e.ignore ()

		# finally, pass any unhandled keys to QTable
		QTable.keyPressEvent (self, e)

I found it handy to subclass QTableItem a lot too - for displaying debit 
amounts in parens as (100.00) and also in red, for providing an little button 
plus edit or label widget as a cell editor and to popup value selection 
dialogs, and other things.

When I get some time, I hope to post some sample code to the Wiki, since 
questions about coloring cells in QTable, formatting, etc. come up on the 
list from time to time.


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