[PyKDE] Installing pyKDE, build error message.

Steven Robson s.a.robson at sms.ed.ac.uk
Thu Apr 8 00:19:01 BST 2004

Hi Folks,

When I try to install pyKDE I get the output shown at the end of this email. 
I don't understand what's wrong, or how I could fix it. 
Both pyQT and sip are both installed and pyQT apps work correctly. 
I'm using slackware linux 9.1. There are no packages that I've found so I'm 
building from source. 

Thanks in advance, 

start of output >>

sr at polaris:~/installing/PyKDE-3.8.0$ python build.py

Building PyKDE 3.8 on linux2.

Python version is 2.3
Python parent directory is /usr/lib/python2.3
Python library directory is /usr/lib/python2.3/config
Python include directory is /usr/include/python2.3

Home directory is /home/sr

sip code generator path (sip) is /usr/bin
sip version is 3.1
sip lib directory (libsip*) is /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages
sip include directory (sipQt.h) is /usr/include/python2.3

Qt3 parent directory is /usr/lib/qt-3.2.3
Qt3 lib directory (libqt-mt.so.3) is /usr/lib/qt-3.2.3/lib
Qt3 include directory (qglobal.h) is /usr/lib/qt-3.2.3/include
Qt version is 3.2.3

PyQt lib directory is /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages
PyQt lib version is 3.11
PyQt sip files directory is /usr/local/PyQt-x11-gpl-3.11/sip

An internal error occured.  Review the installation documentation or
report all the output from the program, including the traceback,
to the PyKDE mailing list: <pykde at mats.imk.fraunhofer.de>. Thanks.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "build.py", line 1038, in ?
    main (sys.argv)
  File "build.py", line 989, in main
    dis = Discovery (opts, usingSip, usingQt, usingPyQt, usingKDE, usingPyKDE, 
  File "build/discover.py", line 493, in __init__
    self.discoverPyQt (opts)
  File "build/discover.py", line 624, in discoverPyQt
    self.pyQtSip = DiscoverPyQtSip (os.path.join ("PyQt-x11-gpl-" + 
self.pyQtLib.vers, "sip", "qtmod.sip"), pyQtSipPath)
  File "build/discover.py", line 330, in __init__
    self.getVersion ()
  File "build/discover.py", line 348, in getVersion
    self.minor = str (int (self.versNum [4:6]))
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): 0b
sr at polaris:~/installing/PyKDE-3.8.0$

<< end of output

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