[PyKDE] Error building

Jim Bublitz jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Mon Nov 10 18:13:01 GMT 2003

On Monday November 10 2003 08:41, Jeremy S Lowery wrote:
> PyQt/sip directory found at /usr/share/sip/qt
> PyQt sip file version is compatible with PyKDE (3.7) <===
> sip version is compatible with PyKDE-3.7 <===

> sip: /usr/share/sip/qt/versions.sip:28: Exactly one of this
> %Timeline must be specified with the -t flag

Same problem as "Error compiling PyKDE in Gentoo" thread, with 
one minor update:

In "generateSource" in build.py, uncomment the following line:

#    print qttag, kdetag

and see what the value of qttag is - should Qt_3_2_0. If you look 
in /usr/share/sip/qt/versions.sip, the %Timeline statement won't 
have a Qt_3_2_0 value - that's what the error msg is saying - 
because PyQt 3.7 predates Qt 3.2.0 and may not be compatible 
(adding Qt_3_2_0 to the %Timeline stmt would probably be a bad 
idea). PyKDE 3.7-4 actually came out after Qt 3.2.0 and works 
with PyQt 3.8.

Update: PyQt-3.7 will allow you to build against Qt-3.2.2, but 
will not incorporate any new features after Qt-3.1.2. 
PyKDE-3.7-4 tries to uses tag for "real" Qt-3.2.2, which 
sip/PyQt-3.7 doesn't have.

The "correct" solution would be to upgrade to sip/PyQt/PyKDE 3.8.
See http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk for all of them.

You could try forcing qttag. A few lines before the print stmt 
mentioned above, add the following line:

    qttag = "Qt_3_1_2"  # add this

    # before this:
    argv = ["-t", plattag,
            "-t", qttag,
            "-t", kdetag,
            "-z", "features",
            "-I", "sip",
            "-I", pyQtSipDir,
            "-m", mname + "/" + pro,
            "-c", mname,

I'm reasonably sure that'll work and not cause problems (but I'm 
not positive about that).


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