[PyKDE] Building PyQt as 1 shared library

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.co.uk
Thu Nov 6 18:20:01 GMT 2003

On Thursday 06 November 2003 4:58 pm, Peter Kropf wrote:
> To start, merging qttable into qt was fairly easy. I modified qtmod.sip,
> adding %Include qtable.sip. Then rebuilding PyQt resulted in the qtable
> code being included and accessable from python. Instead of:
>     from qttable import QTable
> the python code now reads:
>     from qt import QTable
> As to why I want to do this, it has to do with deployment issues on
> Solaris. (See my posting from yesterday titled "qttable and installer
> confusion on windows and solaris" for details.) We're using Gordon
> McMillan's Installer (which is a great tool) to create executables for
> distribution. All is well when running in the development environment
> (Windows and Solaris) and in the Windows distribution. But on Solaris we
> have runtime issues. I've been able to trace the problem back to the fact
> that qt and qtable are two seperate shared libraries. Why that matters, I
> don't know yet and it's very frustrating. However by building qtable into
> the qt shared library, I'm able to create a distribution package on Solaris
> that works.

I would have thought a better solution would be to statically link them into 
the interpreter so that they become builtin modules.


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