[PyKDE] Qscintilla wrapper

Trent Childers trent-ch at cox.net
Wed Mar 19 07:16:01 GMT 2003

Well it seems that I should have checked the archives. Turns out I
forgot to add /usr/lib/qt-3.0.5/lib to my etc/ld.so.conf file and run

On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 18:48, Trent Childers wrote:

    In the module qtext.py I am getting the following error 
    Traceback (most recent call last): 
      File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/eric3/eric3.py", line 20,
    in ? 
        import Preferences 
      File "Preferences/__init__.py", line 24, in ? 
      File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/qtext.py", line 29, in ? 
        import libqtextc 
    ImportError: libqscintilla.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No
    such file or directory 
    I went in and commented out the lines 
           # from qtext import QextScintilla 
         #   print 'Sorry, please install QScintilla and/or reinstall' 
          #  print 'PyQt with QScintilla support.' 
           # sys.exit(1) 
    from install.py in eric-3.1 just to see if it would compile and what
    sort of error i would get when I ran eric. I did this because It
    kept failing here and giving me Sorry please install QScintilla
    I have installed Qscintilla,SIP and PyQt from the latest development
    First off where is libqtextc supposed to be. 
    Second why is it failing to the line from qtext import QextScintilla
    since I have the qtext module installed. 
    I followed the instructions in the ReadMe files to the letter. I
    have tried this both with dll and staticlib configuration on
    Qscintilla install. 
    I have Qt 3.0.5 installed on my redhat 8.0 system.
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